Magic Shop


One of the Most Honored Children’s DVDs

Lyn Dillies offers a safe, friendly and kid-appropriate introduction to the world of magic. Inspiring children to pursue their dreams, Lyn emphasizes the connection between performing magic tricks and the development of healthy self-confidence.


Price 18.95 (includes shipping and handling)

Add child's name and Lyn will autograph your DVD



Your Vote is Magic Book

Your Vote Is Magic!: the behind-the-scenes story of Lyn’s career leading up to her historic illusion with a passionate message -- You Don’t Have To Be A Magician To Create Change, No Matter Who You Choose, Your Vote Is Magic! 

You’ll learn why Lyn was so inspired to empower voters and what it took to make it happen. You’ll be enthralled by personal and rare photographs, insightful thoughts on voting, an illustrated history of the Woman’s Suffrage movement, and whimsical political cartoons.

Proving that one person can make a difference, Your Vote Is Magic! is Lyn Dillies’ gift to the American voter.



Regular retail price: $14.95 plus shipping and handling
For quantities over ten, contact Lyn directly for a group discount.
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